Health Services and Quality of Care

Calvin Ke, Lorraine L. Lipscombe, Walter P. Wodchis, Fatema M. Ali, Yu Qing Bai, Karen Tu, Shadia Adekunte, Baiju R. Shah

closeup of a doctor

Key Findings

  • The quality of diabetes services in the Mississauga OHT is broadly similar to those in the rest of Ontario.
  • Diabetes Canada’s recommended ideal standard for regular blood glucose monitoring (HbA1c testing) was not met in more than 50% of people with diabetes in the Mississauga OHT.
  • Nearly 40% of people with diabetes in the Mississauga OHT did not meet Diabetes Canada’s ideal recommended target HbA1c level.
  • Diabetes Canada’s recommended ideal standard for regular blood cholesterol monitoring (LDL cholesterol testing) was not met in around 30% of people with diabetes in the Mississauga OHT.
  • 43% of people with diabetes in the Mississauga OHT did not meet Diabetes Canada’s recommended ideal target cholesterol level.
  • Diabetes Canada’s recommended ideal standard for regular retinopathy (eye) screening was not met in around 45% of people with diabetes in the Mississauga OHT.
  • The proportion of those attending retinopathy screening was slightly lower in the Mississauga OHT than in the rest of Ontario.
  • In the Mississauga OHT, 65% and 74% of people with diabetes aged 65 years or older received kidney- and heart-protective medications; these figures fell short of the recommended ideal standard benchmark of 80% despite these medications being subsidized by the provincial drug benefit plan.
